OOC Space Tourists meet Renaissance People Dance

OOC Space Tourists meet Renaissance People Dance
Event: OOC Space Tourists meet Renaissance People Dance
Description: Fantasy Tours is holding a Space Ball in the Renaissance-era island of Athanasia. This OOC event is a rare occasion in which space travelers can visit the ground without changing into Renaissance-era clothing. Prizes will be given for Best Futuristic Look and Best Renaissance Look, as well as Sexiest Slave!
Start Date: August 3, 2024 2:00 pm | End Date: August 3, 2024 5:00 pm
Contact: Anneliese Wolfenhaut
Assigned Broadcaster:
Location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Oracle/106/68/112

Fantasy Tours is holding a Space Ball in the Renaissance-era island of Athanasia. We’ll help any visitors time travel so they can make it; we promise the time warp won’t even hurt!

This OOC event is a rare occasion in which space travelers can visit the ground without changing into Renaissance-era clothing. Show off your cool futuristic duds without pissing off the High Priest (who otherwise might lock you naked into a dungeon for such an offense!)

You can, of course, bring your slaves in their birthday suits, if that’s how you like them, that’s your call.

Adults only, but that includes grown up dragons, merlings, demons, demigods, and even furries.

Gorean Whip Radio will be graciously providing a DJ to keep us on our feet. Prizes will be given for Best Futuristic Look and Best Renaissance Look, as well as Sexiest Slave!

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