The City of Turmus recognizes the importance of slaves of all kinds to the overall fullness of Gorean RP. Therefore, in honor of our slaves, we’re holding a three day Festival of Lights for the enjoyment of Free and slaves alike. The city will be having all day enjoyments and entertainments with a specific highlight event each day to attend, compete within and enjoy!
January 29, 30 & 31st – ALL DAY! Competitions run 10am – 12 noon SLT unless otherwise chosen by the dancer’s themselves. TBA final times.
Day 1 – In honor of the Free Women of Gor, our dance competition that day will include dances appropriate for the viewing and enjoyment of Free Women as well as openings for any Free Women themselves who care to dance. The competition portion will run from 10am to Noon SLT. We are open to adjusting the competition schedule if enough requests come in for said change.
Day 2 – In honor of the Free Men of Gor, our dance competition that day will include dances for the Men. Tavern dances, enticements, seductions, All Welcome! The Ladies may enjoy our wine gardens or tea at the bakery that day, along with the city entertainments that will take place.
Day 3 – In honor of the Fighters, Free & Slave alike, we offer this final day of competitions for those who love the blood and excitement of the Ludus! Come, enjoy some of the finest fighting Gor has to offer!
How to participate: Contact Samael Kanga for an Application
Deadlines: We need those apps back asap! Signing up for the three competitions by slaves, unowned or owned, will end January 26th with a final listing of competitors and prizes TBA.