Specialized in weapons for zCS and GM meter systems, [A.W.] provide players products with very low lag, only 1 working script, and own animations. Begining in 2015 we started to produce and design own mesh weapons and animations and, with this, we achieve the excelence in the global performance of our products.
Our weapon crafts was started by working with zCS team (thank you Pluto Monster[slightly.opaque]). Together we built an initial script system that includes a high performance of each weapon. By the end of some months this initial script system was transformed by us into a new one with many other functions and characteristics like the FULL ANIMATION function, the VOICE CONFIRMATION HIT SYSTEM and the connexion with a WEAPON CONTROLLER (HUD). Lately we just developed the possibility of a complete SOUND customization by the user.
In the last 5 years we started to create excellent sleen avatars for our customers, very well designed and with it’s own skeleton, animations, AO and sounds. But what we really pursued since 2018 was to create a complete animesh autonomous sleen. After some falls, disappointments, dead ends and after 4 years of study and mistakes, finally in November of this year we managed to launch this product on the market.
For all this, [A.W.] is at the top of excellence on weapon/sleen building and we aim for the user total satisfaction.
[A.W.] – Store
[A.W.] – Marketplace