Embrace the adventure that awaits in ARGENTUM. A By The Book Traditional Gorean City, A City of Silver, nestled to the North-West of Ar & South of the Vosk River! Feel the allure of a realistic Romanesque setting where your tales will come to life amidst grandeur & magnificence. Engage in exhilarating roleplay! Beyond the city’s walls, await the mysterious Nefarious Black Caste Compound & a majestic Black Caste Court, Hundreds of Pasang North is the Northern Forest veiled in secrets & hiding among them, the Panther girls. Unravel a maze of tunnels that lead to these hidden gems, for discovery is key to unlocking the full magic of ARGENTUM. We are open and excited to have you be a part of our group! We are accepting All Castes & Heads of Caste! Kajirae & Thralls are welcome! Join our vibrant community and script your epic saga in ARGENTUM TODAY!

Entered on: October 17, 2024 | By: admin
Sponsor Level: Silver
Sponsor Type(s); Adult Sim, Fantasy Sim, Role Play Sim
Contact: Sable Onyx
Gorean, Gor, ZCS, Free Men, Free Woman, slaves, kajira, medieval roleplay, slavery, BTB, Combat, BDSM, Capture, Sex, Rape, Dark Roleplay, Bondage, Warrior, Scribe, Physician, Black Caste, Caves, Hunt, Panthers, Raid, Force Collar, Bellydance Clothing
Sponsor Level: Silver
Sponsor Type(s); Adult Sim, Fantasy Sim, Role Play Sim
Contact: Sable Onyx
Gorean, Gor, ZCS, Free Men, Free Woman, slaves, kajira, medieval roleplay, slavery, BTB, Combat, BDSM, Capture, Sex, Rape, Dark Roleplay, Bondage, Warrior, Scribe, Physician, Black Caste, Caves, Hunt, Panthers, Raid, Force Collar, Bellydance Clothing
Sponsor Level: Silver | Sponsor Type: Adult Sim, Fantasy Sim, Role Play Sim
Location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Evil%20Queen/212/138/2002
Location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Evil%20Queen/212/138/2002