Palace Chat Sardar Fair Alumni Mix and Mingle

Entered on: August 20, 2024 | By: admin
Sponsor Level: Basic
Sponsor Type(s); Adult Sim, Club, Fantasy Sim
Contact: rafflesiapearl
Are You an alumni of Palace Chat Sardar Fair? Now is time to reconnect with your friends and other alumni at Palace Chat Sardar Fair Alumni Alumni Mix and Mingle. Or, are you a semi para or para BTB role player that just wants to meet more people that love BTB text role play? Come…

We are a group of alumni from Palace Chat or semi para and para BTB Gorean rp’ers just getting together to mix and mingle and catch up on old times, current times and future times. You don’t have to worry about being IC or OOC just come as You are everyone is here for a good time.