Sponsor Level: Basic
[A.W.] ~Weapons and Sleens~ zCS official weaponry and sleen avatars and huntable/tameable/commandable animesh. Our crafts started in 2015 with the…Contact: Tristann FirehawkSponsor Level: Basic
,Ax Glacier is a settlement at the far north of Torvaldsland. The people settled there hunt snow sleen and whales.Contact: Ƭʜᴇ Ṗᴀʀɪᴀʜ (pariah.exonar)Sponsor Level: Basic
,We are a storyline-based location that tried to depict life in a Pani Territory established on the Western coast of…Contact: gyrefalconnSponsor Level: Basic
, , ,Regardless of your role - wheather you identify as a dom/me, sub, Slave, or any other - wheather you're gay,…Contact: BeeQueen SmytheSponsor Level: Basic
My vision for this space - a welcoming and inclusive BDSM / Fetish space, a place to enjoy fantasies, spend…Contact: Maddie ZaneSponsor Level: Basic
,Cherry Bomb is an in-character CAFE based on maid/butler cafes in Japan.Contact: madame Gyre (gyrefalconn resident)Sponsor Level: Basic
,Welcome to the City of Holmesk, a city one hundred passages south of the Vosk River. We are a BTB…Contact: Carrie JestyrSponsor Level: Basic
,We are a southern by the books Gorean City. "Last major river port on the Vosk River before the Vosk…Contact: Selia - violet325 ResidentSponsor Level: Basic
,A Country Club Playing the best in Old, New and Country Music from around the world,Contact: chano BurnerSponsor Level: Basic
The Gorean Welcome Center is back! Please feel free to pass the LM to anyone who is new to Gor…Contact: Pagan Darkheart