Become a Loyal Listener

Do you listen to WHIP Radio? Apply for Loyal Listener!


Thank you for choosing our station for your adult musical entertainment. The WHIP is not just for Roleplay Sims!  You can find us at stores and other events  including  Second Life Birthday, Second Pride, Christmas Expo, Sci Fi Convention, SL Burning Man, RFL and other charity events and much much more across ALL Second Life Grids! These are places that are going to hear all about YOUR events, sims and stores! 

Twenty-four Paid Sponsor spots are available payable at our inworld Headquarters. These are a first come first serve.

We have 2 Packages for our Loyal Listeners:


Basic (FREE)– Website mentions with slurls to your place and information about your business or sim.  A advertising  board at our busy Head Quarters, Dj Drop In’s, 1 event a month (Subject to availability). All you need to do is stream us on your sim or at your business.  Contact one of us below! 

Paid ($2,500L per 4weeks) –  Website Page with slurls to your place and information about your business or sim. A advertising Board at Head Quarters, Dj Drop in at least bi weekly if not more, 1` event a month guaranteed and perhaps another depending on our schedule.  A commercial run on our Auto Dj as well as by our Broadcasters and Dj’s during their sets. With enough notice we can  make a commercial for your special  event.  You can even request a specific DJ! (Subject to availability). 

 Would you like to become a Sponsor of The Gorean Whip Radio? Not really sure what is being offered or how to sign up. Keep reading!

The steps are easy as 1, 2, 3.

Step 1. fill out the form found  below. (This will become your post page so word it accordingly. Use the Private Note  field to communicate anything  you don’t wish on the final published post. )

Step 2. Submit the Application. (An email will automatically be sent to management)

Step 3. Join the WHIP Discord at  , to get in on all the fun conversations!

You can also join our group in Second Life at: secondlife:///app/group/35e0752c-d6be-ac6d-5589-44469ad591a4/about

Any Whip staff member can point you in the right direction! 

enter your Second Life URL

Use this input to give requests to managers in private. It will not show on Published Post.

enter short description of sponsor

upload an image representing you.
