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Sponsor Level: Silver
, ,Fantasy Rentals & Roleplay Fantasy Rentals offers hundreds of unique rentals including mainland parcels, private skyboxes, roleplay homes in Athanasia,…Contact: Anneliese WolfenhautSponsor Level: Basic
,A Country Club Playing the best in Old, New and Country Music from around the world,Contact: chano BurnerSponsor Level: Silver
,Genesian Port was nothing more than a barren land whenContact: Alarica LutrovaSponsor Level: Basic
The Gorean Welcome Center is back! Please feel free to pass the LM to anyone who is new to Gor…Contact: Pagan DarkheartSponsor Level: Basic
,Great Dam Oasis, located in the depth of the tahari desert, a city with amazing lookContact: lolk1945 residentSponsor Level: Basic
Heimfjord is a village that concentrates on trade. It is situated just North of the Northern Forests, and welcomes both…Contact: Yesica Glas`Sponsor Level: Basic
Come on down and join the club that is all about what is said between the lines! Where what is…Contact: Jewel AureliaSponsor Level: Basic
Shapes and Style Cards for Newbies, Vets, and Everyone in between! Look your best or make a new look with…Contact: JucciCucci ResidentSponsor Level: Basic
La Casa De Saguaro also known as Club Saguaro has been around for 14 years.Contact: Catherine Fairlady MitchellSponsor Level: Basic
,the merchant port of lydius is, neutrally aligned. Governed by merchant law rather than by civil law, and loyal to…Contact: serus2Sponsor Level: Basic
Taskforce 1 Star Trek Roleplay - USS Gallant Playing Wednesday, 5PM SLT - Contact Admiral David...Contact: StarWolff2000 Resident