Ravensheim Village

Entered on: February 12, 2024 | By: admin
Sponsor Level: Basic
Sponsor Type(s); Adult Sim, Role Play Sim
Contact: DaphneeMaya Resident
Ravensheim Village, A Torvaldsland settlement located along the edge of that peninsula north west of Torvaldsberg. A place to find shelter from the weather and settle during the cold freezes

Ravensheim Village
A Gorean Roleplay Sim

Tal and welcome to Ravensheim Village, A Torvaldsland settlement located along the edge of that peninsula north west of Torvaldsberg. A place to find shelter from the weather and settle during the cold freezes. On occasion the wayward Merchant or traveler may find or shores to trade for whale meat, whale oil, bear pelt, meat, and carved items from bear bone, claw, whalebone – seal pelts – goods carved from antlers of caribou . Some will stay and settle and some may continue on to find other lands. We are fiercely proud of our heritage, values and traditions, a mix of Goreans from all lands.

Here is Ravensheim you will find simple values:
– courage
– simplicity and directness
– wisdom as opposed to scholarship
– self-control and discipline
– justice above law
– fidelity, the keeping oaths and promises
– self reliance
– perseverance

We are Gorean! We adhere to the Gorean world-view first and foremost, as this defined what of its Earth-based Nordic influences were adopted. This is a GOREAN sim. We do not accept earth clothing here, vampires, furries or anything not mentioned in the John Norman books.

We unite and work together at all times, setting aside smaller troubles for the good of all in the hold.

Ravensheim Village wants your story to be yours. We ask that you just be you and join us. We do welcome all who are interested in the Torvaldslander way of life and help them to improve but you should at least have read Marauders of Gor.

OOC Ravensheim Staff:
Ray Lobo Tolnus (Nevar Lobo)
Adira Tolnus (daphneemaya)
Meadow Theas
Vadik Tolnus (Chazzlobo2011)

Come and Build your story with us.