Adult Sim
Sponsor Level: Basic
,A Country Club Playing the best in Old, New and Country Music from around the world,Contact: chano BurnerSponsor Level: Silver
,Genesian Port was nothing more than a barren land whenContact: Alarica LutrovaSponsor Level: Basic
,Great Dam Oasis, located in the depth of the tahari desert, a city with amazing lookContact: lolk1945 residentSponsor Level: Basic
,the merchant port of lydius is, neutrally aligned. Governed by merchant law rather than by civil law, and loyal to…Contact: serus2Sponsor Level: Silver
,BTB Gorean RP sim north of Kassau, south or Torvaldsland with a bit of elements of both cultures.Contact: sometimes mysteriousSponsor Level: Basic
,"Along the edge of Dune Country, lay the Oasis of Sahkar. Come, join us!Contact: Şɧäłɨɱäŕ (Corey Westland)Sponsor Level: Silver
,Oasis of Tashid, on the far eastern edge of the Tahari. We are a small peaceful village for those who…Contact: maevao.etchegaraySponsor Level: Basic
, ,Are You an alumni of Palace Chat Sardar Fair? Now is time to reconnect with your friends and other alumni…Contact: rafflesiapearlSponsor Level: Basic
,Welcome to Port Andros. A beautiful port south of the Delta on the Genesian Road.Contact: roisin heartsongSponsor Level: Silver
,Are you tired of the same old humdrum life? Do you yearn for adventure, excitement, and a touch of the…Contact: Tiber NovaSponsor Level: Silver
,~~Welcome to Port Olni~~ -The sim is a privately owned, Gorean role play sim. -Please read our ruleContact: Jerek Spiritweaver