Mexli Reardon

Role(s): Broadcaster, General Manager
Nick Name: Fenris
Date Joined:
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Brief About: Mexli Reardon Joined Gorean Whip Radio quite by accident back in 2013. At the time he was working in private clubs though out Second Life. Mexli was asked by Bluesaint to perform a Gorean Sim opening but what Mexli didn’t know is that Bluesaint ...

Mexli Reardon Joined Gorean Whip Radio quite by accident back in 2013. At the time he was working in private clubs though out Second Life. Mexli was asked by Bluesaint to perform a Gorean Sim opening but what Mexli didn’t know is that Bluesaint had laid a trap for him at this sim opening. Present was the Founder of Gorean Whip Radio Brett Bertolucci. Unknowingly Mexli had just entered into an audition that would lead to his hiring due to his flirtatious nature; hard hitting heavy metal; ability to speak his mind on any topic at hand; and his tongue being razor sharp. As Brett and Jay told him they wanted the hard edge of the whip and so Mexli took that direction and ran with it.

Before he took to the air he worked with Shaina and Bluesaint to figure out the title of his show. Given that his Caste was that of the Assassin’s it was suggested he call it “The Shadow Realm” as his music was heavy and hard hitting just as the Caste of the Assassins are. This lead to the coined catch phrase “the Shadows can save you” as Mexli believed taking the caste that he did and the music played on air saved his life. Thus the Shadow Realm was born.

Over the many years Mexli has enjoyed working with some of the top talent at Gorean Whip Radio but has always remembered where he came from paying homage to the man that was the reason he found his way on air that being his mentor Bluesaint. Mexli has also enjoyed partnering up with Rose Artifax, Jay Sparrowtree, Drew, and Tristan to bring you The Gor That is.

Aside from DJ’ing Mexli Reardon is also one of the Captains for Gorean Relay for Life and enjoys running the Black Caste Team with his Co-Captain Obsidian performing Jail and Bails along with the others of his Caste in a hopes to “Kill Cancer”.

Mexli Reardon’s favorite quote when speaking about music is: Music is such a special thing…no matter what your mood is, what you’re dealing with in life, or what is going on music will always be there to lift you up, brighten your day, and enhance your mood… it truly can save you…

You can listen to Mexli Reardon Monday from 4-6 PM SLT as he travels Gor.

When not on air you can find Mexli aKa Fenris stalking Gor looking to take coin to end people lives. So if you’re not at a set you better watch your ass of the dagger on his forehead may be for just for you!

Mexli Reardon on Second Life