Adult Sim
Ravensheim Village
Sponsor Level: Basic
Ravensheim Village, A Torvaldsland settlement located along the edge of that peninsula north west of Torvaldsberg. A place to find…Contact: DaphneeMaya ResidentSa San Tu Panthers
Sponsor Level: Silver
Home of the Sa San Tu Panthers and assorted brigands, hunters, and woodsmenContact: AinsleyCarter ResidentSable Onyx
Sponsor Level: Basic
Sable Onyx is the Pasheen of Oasis of Nizaar, eldest of the Nizaar's living relatives.Contact: Sable OnyxSerenity Star
Sponsor Level: Silver
Serenity Star is a adult fantasy sim based in the medieval ages. We allow all kinds of creatures and such.…Contact: TrinitymysticSerenity Star
Sponsor Level: Silver
Serenity Star is a Medieval fantasy sim with so many creatures of all races. From mermaids, to pirates, to dragons...…Contact: TrinitymysticTaharian Dreams
Sponsor Level: Silver
We are a group of Gorean slaves that have a passion for dance and expressing our love to serve through…Contact: Mayhem MysteriousThe Central Fire
Sponsor Level: Basic
We are focused on the Gorean Community in second and first life. We at the Central Fire work to cultivate…Contact: lyricnox.residentThe City of Varn
Sponsor Level: Basic
This stunning city with some of the most beautiful architecture in all of Gor is located in the farContact: Vαяη (varndavar.magic)The Dreamers Dance Troupe of Worlds End
Sponsor Level: Basic
Step into the world of Gorean Roleplay BTB, where power dynamics reign supreme.Contact: Appleblossom1977The Isle of Farnacium
Sponsor Level: Basic
Find your Forever Home Stone on the Isle of Farnacium! Home of SHEEN Dance Troupe!Contact: AgnesElsworth or GevaudanVallejo